Sunday, November 06, 2005

Little Russian


Ken Turner said...

nice to see your posting again.....its been awhile.....the one of andrew is a nice use of ink and wash.....keep it coming....later

Tony Truong said...

hahaha, i knew that was andrew right away. good luck finding wut youre looking for. i'll be at the orange monkey, i mean upstairs working. peace.

Unknown said...

nice sketch

Kt Shy said...

Waaah, Bernard you left! Are you gonna come back and visit sometime? The local Pip-sters miss you. Nice sketch of the russian! Can't wait to see more. said...

cool sketch!!!

Bernard Joaquin said...

Hey guys

thanks for visiting

Anonymous said...

yo this is my favourite piece on your actually is my desktop image...haha...AANNDRRRREEEEWWW said...

Beautiful Benerd I love your new blog style :)