Tuesday, February 28, 2006


This is a sculpture I did of Sherlock Holmes in first year for character design class. That was the year mister Pearns was teaching it.....I think alot of us lost alot of sleep doing alot of projects that year....thanks kris.
I made Watson as well...but he didn't make the photo shoot due to accumulation of dust and dropping him...I will have to fix him up, but for some reason the plasticine is not being made anymore...or they got bought out and going by a different name....


rebound said...

i remember that project, it was fun!...too bad the tools putting the figures in the display case broke my sherlock model =(

Cedricstudio said...

Fun sculputre. Nice design, I also like the pose and the lighting.

Anonymous said...

I still think it's an excellent sculpture, Bernard. Nice to see it again. :)

KP said...

Hey! Is it my fault you fuckers made it to every pub night! I lost just as much sleep trying to mark everything. Besides, Lenko was the real bastard, right. It's great to see this again. Holds up real well. They don't sell sculpty anymore? I blame the terrorists.
I don't have a single scrap from my first year at good ol' shreridan, so dropped Watson or not, the fact that you still have them, that to me is good housekeeping.

Well lit photos Bernard...you are a talented fellow.

Bernard Joaquin said...

Hey guys thanks for your comments

Umm Kristian.....it was a part of the first year program in sheridan

thanks mike,cedric,adrianna

Bernard Joaquin said...

Mister Walleyes

ya...I guess Terry had something to do with it...but I think he was in the pub more than most of us....hahahahah
I'm sure everyone wanted to stay up those extra nights....it was alot of fun.....sleepovers...
the sculpture was done with cheap plasticine. I just can't find it in the art store anymore...it's called Plasticine

I suppose terrorist would need them

KP said...

Hmmmm....Plasticine....sounds dangerous to me. You're sitting on a time bomb, mon comrade. There ain't nuttin' cheap about this sculpture.

I forgot that Lenko was a dirty drunk. And they let him teach? That's what is wrong with the system.


Anonymous said...

Walleye: Apparently he's not teaching anymore; he's working full-time at Nelvana this year.

I couldn't bring my Holmes to Texas, so off he went to the trash bin. I was so sad. Fortunately I wasn't there to see it happen...Vera did it for me.

KP said...

VERA! That heartless Maquette killer! I suppose that Texas is too small a place for one more holmes. I mourn with you Adriana...tis sad the sacrifices of life.

I dunno if I would use the word "working" in conjuction with our friend Lenko....we all know he's been skating on looks.

kevin micallef said...

Nicely done..great pose!!

Scott Wright said...

Very cool!

Carlos Ruano said...

Great sculpture Bernard, I like the pose and the design, good work.

willipino said...

awesome sculpt! and nice pictures... the black bg adds so much mood.

Unknown said...

beautiful sculpture!! Love the design and the pose is very strong! Great ladies design drawings below as well!

Andrew Ross said...

He was cool, i remember when his head fell off.

Carlos Badillo said...

great style!!

Kt Shy said...

Lol, poor Terry, all this terry-bashin' and the guy doesn't have his own blog to defend himself! :P Looks cool Bernerd, impressive that you painted it too! Mine was pretty last minute... but I'm sure Kris knew that too... eh heh....

Kei Acedera said...

hey bernard! hows it goin? wish we had that project..i like the rawness of this piece..and the top pic is my fav...it would look good as a banner too..

Aiden said...

dont skeet youre pants but im no longer a blog v neck ...........lol

Gerald de Dios said...

Killer sculpture!!!

Lubomir said...

Very nice, the pose, the design, the lighting. I thought the first photo was a cg still. This guy would make an awesome stop-motion character.

Todd Kauffman said...

nice sculpt dude

Anna Gopin said...

This is a neat character! I like the lighting with which u took the photo, looks nice :)