Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Oh yeah....I have a BLOG

Hey guys I know it's been a while but I posted something.......you like?


andrew said...

i like this drawing...

colombian83 said...


orange said...

YA..I DO..i like it a lot

BJ i don't have a life anymore...so i stare at a computer monitors all day and post comments on blogs.
Keep posting..ur sketchbook has some lovely stuff u gotta share with people.let's keep at it..i just posted something on mine too..


P.S: I used to have a life....ONCE

Tony Truong said...

I like... very much!

Cookedart said...

Yeah it's nice!

You should definetly post more often, haha!

elcerdo said...

I like this drawing, i like sketches.
It's a excelenet excercise and dificult to maked.
Sorry for my english, I am a brazilian, i not speak very well.

Andrew Scheglov said...

is that a Borat line?
and yes, I like!

and I didnt know you signed your name BJ - that's new!

Peace in the middle east (hopefully one day)
c ya at work,

Lubomir said...

This one's very nice Bernard...I guess you really ARE a sensitive artist. Bless us with more stuff man!

Saud Boksmati said...

its good its good, post more post more

Anonymous said...

i like very much. i like his knee.

Anna Gopin said...

pretty cool
do some more!

Jonathan said...

A really great study.

J said...

Wow thats nice!

Kt Shy said...

ooooh yeah! i've started doing the train sketches too... but i always freak out as if everyone knows I'm drawing them and are just waiting to jump up and scream at me...

Alex Sinenko said...

I liiike... it is niiice